Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Ultimate Discovery

For the last year or so I've been reading, off-an-on, Marvel's premiere Ultimate title, Ultimate Spider-Man. The series has slowly become one of my guilty pleasures in life, partly because of the solid storytelling of Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley and partly because of the absolute consistency of the book. These guys have been on board since the very beginning with few or no fill-ins to speak of - at least none I can remember. The book always has solid viuals, interesting dialogue and, 9 times out of 10, is just a good old solid Spider-Man story - something that is becoming a very rare event these days.

Bendis and Bagley were two guys who's careers meant as much to me as a wet paper bag in a windstorm (no, I don't know what that means), but after reading the first half of Bendis' run on Daredevil, and interviewing Mark Bagley last year, it made me give this book a second look and I'm glad I did. I'm nearing the 50th issue mark in my reading and I have yet to tire of the tone and format. I think the book is on #79 or something right now, and I look forward to catching up. I want to see these guys hit 100.

Who else is doing that these days, huh?



siouxee said...

well, not so much into the marvell series but the todd mcfarlane series. i wish he still did spawn the undead.

Mike Jozic said...

That's true [necromance], ol' Toddy put Holguin and Capullo in charge of Spawn and they were a pretty solid presence on the book for some time. I'm not sure if they're still doing it. In fact, it's been so long since I've looked Spawn's way that I don't even know if the book is still running.

Spawn the Undead...was that the one drawn by Liam Sharpe? I think I'll have to google that, now. ;)