Monday, May 02, 2005

The New Comics

I had a bit of fun doing the music post, so I figured I'd try it with the comic books as well. If it continues to be fun, maybe DVD's will follow.

Looking at the Diamond Shipping List for this week, these are the books I wil likely be hunting down...

ROGUE #10 - I practically ignored this book (and why wouldn't I?) until issue #7 came along and Tony Bedard and Karl Moline jumped on board. Bottom line is I would love Karl Moline's work on any title, and this is really no exception. I only hope it doesn't get cancelled with #12 as the rumours seem to imply it will. Writer Tony Bedard claims that it's still up in the air, so here's hoping he can pull this arc off successfully enough to save this book from the axe.

Woo...only one book I'm looking to pick up this week, so it looks like I'll have a little extra moolah left over to buy some other fun stuff.


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