Well, I sent off another query to the writer/artist regarding the short film I want to make this summer based on his story. I'm hoping that the non-reply from the last one was simply a matter of the mail getting lost or something like that.
While I won't name names just yet, I will say that the story fits all the criteria that I am looking for:
1) It's not my story - I think my last film, Dead End, suffered from a lack of skill and experience directorially. The script was actually pretty good and had I executed things more successfully, I think I would have been happier with the end product. As a result, I am/was looking for a story that wasn't mine, and was good enough to carry itself for 10 or 15 minutes, so that I could focus more on the directing and producing end of things.
2) 3 characters, 2 speaking roles - In no budget filmmaking, less isn't always more, but it sure as hell is easier to organize. Less actors to hunt down that will give of their time freely (and quite literally so) is a good thing.
3) Not too many locations to worry about - A quick count in my head gets me about 3 locations which, again, helps out in the long run. The fewer locations you have to secure, the less headache you have. Also fewer set-ups!
4) It speaks to me on some level - It's a relationship story which I am always a sucker for and it has some depth to it, which is great. It struck a chord with me from the first time I read it and I distinctly remember thinking, "that would make a cool short film."
'Nuff said.
I'll keep you posted on how the whole thing turns out. If I get the go-ahead, I will start 'pre-production' on the film and likely keep a production diary here on the blog (my plan here is two-fold, you see). If not, I'll have to think of something else to do.
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