Thursday, April 07, 2005

New Stuff

I just got back from watching Christopher Nolan's remake of the Norwegian film, Insomnia. Since my Nolan loving friend couldn't convince his roomie to watch, I went over and we checked out the DVD together over some pizza and Gulps. Not a bad flick, if I may say so. I'll probably post more thoughts on that later.

I also made a trip to the library today and I have some new music in the house to play with for a spell. Among the goodies were a 2-Disc XTC compilation album and a 2003 offering from Living Color (hadn't heard from them since...ummm...high school, maybe?). Looking forward to sitting down with those and seeing what fun stuff lies within.

After watching a few episodes this morning and getting the buzz, I went out and grabbed the new issue of Justice League Unlimited bearing the mysterious cover blurb, "Who is The Question?" It's my first issue of the relaunched animated Justice League book, so we'll see how it goes. Might have another title to add to my pull list if all goes well. Writer Adam Beechen also writes for the Teen Titans television series, so it looks promising.

Also picked up The Comics Journal #267 which is their all Eisner issue. Couldn't help myself on that one.

Anyway, I'm off


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