Sunday, June 25, 2006

3 Days Left and a 24 Hour Archived Show

I'm not going to waste any time here and just link directly to the KGO810 radio show featuring Noel Neill (Adventures of Superman's Lois Lane) and John Ottman, composer for the new film and longtime collaborator of Bryan Singer.

The whole program is supposed to be 4 hours, so you'll have to click through on each new hour of the program as you go.

You can listen to the first segment with Noel Neill in either Real Media or Windows Media.

You can also listen to the second hour (the John Ottman segment) in Windows Media or Real Media.

Hour three is kind of a Superman hodge podge with various Superman sound clips in Real Media and Windows Media. Of particular interest is the audio clips with Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel talking about creating Superman.

Hour four continues the discussion and the clips in Windows Media or Real Media. It's nice to hear some of the interview clips from the late Christopher Reeve discussing some of the choices he made in portraying the character of Superman and his alter ego, Clark Kent.

Be aware that the show is archived for only 24 hours so there should only be, like, 5 hours left on the clock.

Check it out!


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