Thursday, September 15, 2005

Working on the Chain Gang

Well, I'm officially back in the labour force as of today. The Receiving job I may or may not have hinted to in an earlier post finally came through and I am once again a wage slave. The trucks come in, I empty them and find room for the stuff in the back room of a local grocery store. I walk around a lot, lift heavy things, chat occasionally with coworkers and play with power jacks most of the day. There's that University degree kicking in for me when I really need it.

I really shouldn't sound so snarky, to be honest. It's not bad work, it's just not the work I was looking for and about half of what I need to be making to achieve a sort of comfort level with the wife's recent downgrading to a part-time contract. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for something else in the meantime, so we'll see what happens.

I just wish my feet didn't hurt quite so much. I gotta get used to this standing all day thing again.


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