I caught this meme over at
Will Pfeiffer's blog and, while I don't usually participate in such endeavours, this one looked like fun.
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...
7. When you're finished tag some other people to do it!
Here are the areas that you need to fill out:
Opening credits: "Unicornio" by Silvio Rodriguez - I first fell in love with this song in Wong Kar Wai's BMW film,
The Follow. I have no idea what the song is about as it is sung in Spanish or Portugese, I believe, but it's a real good mood setter and I can think of worse songs to kick off the movie of my life.
Waking up: "Forget About You" by Carey Brothers - Not too much of a mood upsetter, here. Brothers' track carries on the same basic vibe set by Rodriguez as it is equally sedate, equally maudlin and intimate.
First day of school: "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" by The Jayhawks - I've honestly never heard this song before. It is part of an unofficial
Gilmore Girls 'soundtrack' that I acquired. Still, listening to it while I'm typing this up it has a sort of Rockabilly, Bob Dylan/Tom Petty-esque sort of feel to it which I don't mind. It also picks up the beat a little bit after a slow start and keeps that whole sentimental thing going.
Falling in love: "Makes Me Wanna Pray" by Christina Aguilera - Of course, the Falling in Love category has to be one of the cheesier songs in my library. In it's defense it is a kind of soulful and funky song and thematically does fit into the slot well. And, really, isn't first love full of melodrama and leaning a little heavily to the left on the cheese-o-meter to begin with? It's just sort of hard to take Christina seriously 90% of the time so I hang my head briefly in shame.
First song: "Your Rain (Rage Mix)" by Akira Yamaoka & Mary Elizabeth McGlynn - A
Silent Hill track. Kind of dancy, not bad but I much prefer the original un-remixed version of the song.
Breaking up: "Window" by Fiona Apple - I couldn't think of anyone more appropriate for a break-up song than Miss Fiona.
Prom: "Relaxing With Lee" by Charlie Parker - Not really a song, more of an interstitial 10 second little talky bit, but seeing as I never had a prom, nor did I ever go to one, it seems somewhat fitting.
Life: "Saw Bitch Workhorse" by Don Davis - This track from
The Matrix Revolutions is pretty much par for the course if you're familiar with any orchestral music from the series. Lots of horns going baa-baa-ba-ba-ba-ba-baa and swirling strings filling out the background. I believe the song is used in the section where Neo and Trinity are going to the machine city and have to fight off hundreds of Sentinels. Not a bad track but a little odd if I was to apply it to my life.
The title is an anagram for The Wachowski Brothers, by the way.
Mental Breakdown: "Water & Air" by Cat Power - Again, I couldn't hope for a more mental breakdowny sort of song than this one by Memphis artist, Cat Power. I guess there is some weird sort of synchronicity here, as well, since a different CP track was used in another Wachowski movie,
V For Vendetta. Or maybe I'm just reading into things.
Driving: "The Azores and Mr. Costa" by Clint Bajakian, Peter McConnell & Michael Land - A quaint little track from the Indiana Jones video game,
The Fate of Atlantis. Kind of plunky, kind of fun.
Flashback: "Hater" by Everclear - Not the Everclear track of choice but it's nice to see the power pop trio represented in the film of my life. Considering the dramedy undertones I'm picking up from the music selections this is possibly a very fitting flashback track.
Getting back together: "Fourth of July Parade" by Andy Sturmer - From the
Teen Titans animated series. Mostly without words and very, very poppy. I can live with this selection. In fact, as the song continues to play I can think of no song better.
Wedding: "Get Here" by Oleta Adams - Oleta is a powerful vocalist best known for helping out Orzabel and that other guy from Tears For Fears on their
Seeds of Love album. A little off centre musically but thematically appropriate: "I don't care how you get here, just get here if you can".
Birth of Child: "I'm Mad Again" by The Animals - After having three kids I can wholly support this musical choice!
Final Battle: "We're Here To Stay" by John Ottman - A selection off the
X2 score. A bit more appropriate for an after-battle piece so it's possible my final battle was done without any underscoring, relying only on sfx.
Death Scene: "No One Love You" by Akira Yamaoka - A little surprised Yamaoka gets the honours of having two songs on my soundtrack but this piece from the
Silent Hill series of games is, again, likely very appropos.
Funeral song: "U-Boat" by Kasabian - A good funeral song if I lived in an episode of
Tru Calling or a Mark Steven Johnson super-hero flick. Or possibly a show on The CW network.
But I jest. It's a little dramatic but definitely could make a good funeral song.
End Credits: "Chrysallis (4)" by Christopher Franke - Ex Tangerine Dreamer Christopher Franke graces the big finale of my life with this song from the
Babylon 5 television series. I think this is from the episode where Delenn becomes less Minbari and more Human. Judging by the tone of the song my movie didn't end very well but I think I can count on some lobby conversation regarding the meaning of it all.