Thursday, January 26, 2006

Thursday LinkBlog

I haven't done a Monday LinkBlog in some time, and since I'm just sitting here watching one of the Season One commentaries on the Arrested Development DVDs, I figured I would clear out the bookmarks a bit.

My favourite news in a while, Sony confirms an Odyssey 5 DVD release which makes me a very happy camper. I discovered the show on Canada's Space channel just as they were pulling it off the air so I only got to see, like, five episodes. No details have been released as yet, so hopefully we'll have some juicy bonus features.

Many people have commented on this bit of news, but it's great to know that Futurama may make a comeback in the near future - and not just as a D2DVD release.

The Zack Snyder adaptation of Frank Miller's 300 has a website including a Blog and some other goodies. I'm waiting for the Video features to hit the site but I'm not holding my breath. This one looks like it could be a good'er.

Not a bad interview with writer, J. Torres. I interviewed J. myself a while ago and I found him to be a really nice guy. I also enjoy his Teen Titans Go! comic each month, so show J. a little love if you're not too busy and click through.

For all you children of the '80s, RetroJunk will give you the nostalgia fix you've been craving. There's some fun stuff on this site.

That's it for today. I'm going to do some tweaking on the sidebar for a bit and then probably go to work. Or have a nap and then go to work. We'll see what happens.



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