I just received an e-mail from Seth Fisher's wife, Hisako, informing me of his death on January 30th, 2006. I am...flabbergasted, to say the least. I was corresponding with Seth all through December as we finished up our last interview together and I never saw any of the news that's been circulating since that time. I'm not sure what to say about it. I'm still trying to put together my thoughts for my reply to Hisako.
Seth was probably one of NorthAm's greatest visual stylists and storytellers and he, as well as his work, will be missed. I know I will miss our semi-annual interview exchanges.
Lacking anything more sage to say, I'm just going to post links to our three interviews, the last of which is probably the last interview Seth ever did.
I'll likely post on this again when it's light out.
I'm so bummed out right now.
Silver Bullet Comicbooks Interview #1
Silver Bullet Comicbooks Interview #2
Meanwhile... 2005 Interview
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