Well, I just spoke with Ross Richie of BOOM! Studios as well as their Press and Marketing person, Gianluca Glazer, about having some Keith Giffen related review material sent over for The Daily Dispatch. I was hoping to beef up the content on the newslist with some reviews of Keith's recent stuff, but since he is currently writing or involved in half of what's being produced on the market right now, I knew there was no way I would be able to keep up with the output unless I resorted to 'other' less scrupulous methods -something I really didn't want to do.
Anyway, I figured nothing ventured nothing gained so I started my quest by hitting up the fine folks over at BOOM! where Keith is writing, like, half of their books. Originally, I only asked about getting my hands on some advance preview stuff (like a B&W proof copy or something) of whatever stuff Keith has up'n'coming but to their credit, the BOOM! crew have gone the extra mile and made this Giffan one seriously happy camper indeed.
From the looks of it, I'm going to have about 90% of Keith's total output from BOOM! mailed out to me, with the rest of it sent electronically when I can get myself a Gmail account (something else they're willing to help accomodate). Soon, I will be deluged with Zombie Tales, Jeremiah Harm, Hero Squared and Planetary Brigade, as well as the 10 one-shot and some PDF files of some of his anthology work that is sold out or unavailable for whatever reason.
I'm looking forward to posting about them when they come.
Besides being a big shout out to Giffen Swag, I also wanted to take this opportunity to salute the crew over at BOOM! for being an exceptionally swell bunch of people. They truly deserve that big shiny Best New Publisher Award that Wizard gave them not too long ago. I may not agree with Wizard on much, but we're definitely on board with this.
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