Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sunday, Sunday

I'm not sure what to post today that would be of any interest to anyone, so I'll just to a State of the Nation and go back to watching Farscape.

I had another job interview today. It was with Blockbuster, which isn't exactly aiming high, but I need something extra for evenings and weekends and a video store is kind of a not-very-intense way to make some side-money. I've done the video store thing before so I know what I'm in for and I told my wife that if I pick up a second job it would have to pretty much be something I could do in my sleep otherwise I would crack-up.

So, yeah, I did the 'audition' thing and we'll see where that goes. I might be able to get something higher up than a CSR since I have the experience to back it up. Let's hope so, anyway.

I also have an interview with a place called Michael's tomorrow before I have to go to work. I know somebody who works there and she says I'm pretty much a shoe-in, so I might have another job early next week, Blockbuster or no Blockbuster. It's a craft place so I'm not bursting out of my skin to work there, but with the wife's contract coming up in December, I'm going to take what I can get. I also need money for Fear of Falling, so I have a few motivators going on there.

So as not to leave you with only tales of my meager existence, I will post this link to MoviesOnline regarding the Serenity DVD release date and details.

Good night, and good luck.


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