Sunday, August 07, 2005

Ghost Stories with Seth Fisher

I just received the first round of answers to my interview with Seth Fisher in my e-mailbox. This will mark the third time I've interviewed Seth, and I have to say that each time is better than the last. In a weird way, the number of questions are getting smaller but I'm getting more and more information out of him. Go figure.

For example, I asked him this inane little question about his work habits and he gives me this long bizarre tale of his experiences in this creepy old house in Japan. He ran across some pretty bizarre phenomena there. It had nothing to do with the 5-issue Batman arc he's doing, but it's great reading. I can't wait to get the whole piece posted.

I have to come up with some follow-ups now which just may be more difficult, for a change, than coming up with the original set.

If you're interested in my two previous interviews with the inimitable Mr. Fisher, they're both available at Silver Bullet Comicbooks here and here.


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