Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hey Kids, Comics! For 11/26/08

Another pull-list for the week. The legend, as always, is as follows:

Bold is what I will grab for sure.
Italics mean it's something I want, but won't necessarily pick it up right away.
Regular text indicates something that has caught my eye but is either too pricey to be reasonable, or I would only pick up as an impulse buy.

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UMBRELLA ACADEMY DALLAS #1 GABRIEL BA CVR (Been waiting for this one!)

BATMAN #681 RIP (Having read but not purchased the previous issues, I would like to see how it all ends. Still, this event has been pretty lackluster from the beginning so I am not expecting much.)

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #19 (I still like this series but the need to have every issue as it comes out is dwindling.)

LEGION OF SUPER HEROES #48 (Almost done. Just counting down to 50.)

Have a great Wednesday, folks!



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