Friday, February 16, 2007

What a Cock Up

Man, could I have been more amateurish?

This afternoon I interviewed the Supervising Producer/Director of Hellboy: Sword of Storms, Tad Stones, and conducted what was probably the worst interview I've done in some time. Tad showed up and brought his A-game but I, for some reason, despite much preperation, stammered and lost my place through most of the proceedings.

It just infuriates me because this is the sort of thing I can do in my sleep. To cock it up like I did just puzzles and confuses me. It actually bothered me so much it totally tanked my day from about 4:30 on when Tad had to leave to go back to work (on Hellboy: Blood and Iron, I'd assume).

Add to that the fact that I went to the bother of upgrading my equipment this morning (it's all digital now) and it's turned out to be just as disappointing as my interviewing skills. I was picking up some crazy kind of noise/snow on the line, too. I could barely hear Tad and when I did I had to concentrate really hard to follow what he was saying. I thought I was going to have clean audio, stereo output, and an overall experience that was easier than what I was working with before.

Unfortunately not to be so.

Now I sit and try to transcribe the interview, attempting to filter out the white noise and yank out Tad's comments regarding working on the Hellboy animated films.

I should just hit the sack.


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