Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Elementary My Dear Watson

I swung by Artbomb today and took a browse around only to discover that they had a 12 page Andi Watson story on their site that I had never seen before. For those of you who don't know me (which is pretty much all of you) Andi Watson is in my top 5 comic book creators list. His stories come off like a cross between a Cameron Crowe film, and a Nick Hornby novel with some old 1960s romantic comedies thrown in for good measure. They can be sweet, heartbreaking, funny, and charming, but the thing I love about Andi and his work is that it's all very real. Also, his art style is so very minimalistic, but so very, very good. He manages to convey so much through his characters and there is so little to them, detail-wise. His storytelling is sufficiently strong that he doesn't require every wrinkle or stitch on a figure to make the moment work.

Anyways, the story is called "Sunblock" and it was a great little pick-me-up in the middle of an odd day full of work and some residual grouchiness (which I won't bother getting into). If what I've described has caught your interest, just click on the image to go to the story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


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